We're excited you're here to learn more about how to get involved in the work of the church here at Mt. Juliet! On this page, you'll find the Ministry Catalog. Before you fill out our Involvement Form, make sure you know what you're signing up for by checking out the online catalog below or picking up a physical copy from the Involvement Center next time you're on our campus. When you’re ready to sign up, click any of the gold signup buttons below!
We sat down with some servants within our church family and talked to them about what it means to be a servant.
This ministry exists to plant the truth, nurture godly relationships, and cultivate spiritual growth for children and their families. We seek to both teach and show love to our kids to help lay a strong foundation for their faith and discipleship.
Ways to serve:
• Teach or assist in a children’s Bible class
• Help reach kids in our community through VBS
• Lead or help in other large and small group children’s events
Lauren Moss | lauren.moss@mtjuliet.org
New Kids on the Block is a part of our children’s ministry built specifically for our littlest MJ Kiddos. We open up our nursery once a month for moms and their babies to come enjoy lunch and fellowship together. It’s a great way for relationships to be built and needs to be served during this transitional time in a family’s life.
Joey Williams | nkotb@mtjuliet.org
Our 4th-5th Grade Ministry focuses on educating and fellowshiping with our 4th-5th grade children as they mature in their knowledge of the Bible and their relationship with God. The emphasis is on learning about God through His Word, building our faith in Him, and applying those teachings to our everyday lives.
Ways to serve:
• Host a monthly devotional in your home
• Chaperone the annual retreat in November
• Assist with events such as the Widows/Widowers lunch and devos
David Harper & Daniel Horton | 4-5@mtjuliet.org
This ministry is designed to prepare children of the congregation (K-12) for the annual Bible Bowl each fall in Cookeville, TN. This ministry provides classes and study materials to students and their families each year as they strive to learn more about God’s Word. The goal is to help our children learn and have fun at the same time.
Ways to serve:
• Help with practices
• Assist with lunch on Bible Bowl day in Cookeville
Jason Kirby | biblebowl@mtjuliet.org
This program trains 2nd - 8th grade girls and boys in the various aspects of worship, leadership, and service. Introduces Christian involvement targeted to age and skill levels. Performs service projects to develop skills and knowledge in service to Christ in the Church and the community.
Ways to serve:
• Teach a class
• Encourage students by attending class and providing feedback and interaction
• Assist with service projects and events
Kevin Batts | servingchrist@mtjuliet.org
The youth ministry helps students (6th-12th grade) commit, connect, grow, serve, tell, and thrive. Everything we do—from events to Bible classes to retreats—revolves around these core purposes. We want students to fall more and more deeply in love with the Lord, His Word, and His church.
Ways to serve:
• Chaperone on retreats and trips
• Drive a bus for events
Philip Jenkins | philip.jenkins@mtjuliet.org
Circuit Riders builds future church leaders by working with our high school young men to lead all aspects of worship at surrounding congregations. In addition, it helps to connect the MJ congregation to other local congregations through these efforts.
Ways to serve:
• Attend worship services led by our Circuit Riders to encourage them and the local congregation
• Assist in teaching/training
Derek Hyde | circuitriders@mtjuliet.org
This program trains baptized high school students how to teach either an adult class or a teen class. A specific curriculum guides the student through five principles for how to teach Scripture: an introduction, three main points, and finally, a conclusion. Anyone who has a passion for helping to train students can positively impact our students in this program.
Ways to serve:
• Listen and provide a critical review for students
• Be present when students teach to encourage them
• Review and help update/evolve the curriculum
Mike Dominski | histep@mtjuliet.org
This youth mentoring program pairs one adult with three youth group members of the same age/gender. Up Groups requires a commitment of 10 days a year to connect with our teens by mentoring them and participating in scheduled activities. Every adult has this opportunity to pass on the blessings they have been blessed with.
Ways to serve:
• Sign up to be an Up Groups mentor
• Help plan and execute the scheduled events
• Seek and propose new potential events
Mike Dominski | upgroups@mtjuliet.org
Our YAC ministry exists to help those who are in a transitional period in their lives continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This group desires to seek intentional, godly relationships with other like-minded Christian young adults. YAC is active in fellowship events, serving the church and community, and facilitating intentional discipleship with the rest of the congregation.
Ways to serve:
• Host an event in your home
• Volunteer to work and build relationships at one of our retreats
• Encourage college students who are away
David Glasscock | yac@mtjuliet.org
MJ Seniors is formed to lend spiritual, emotional, social, and physical support to our members 65 and older. Part of this ministry is providing opportunities for the seniors to grow spiritually through fellowship and service. The other part of this ministry is connecting our congregation to those 65 and older for fellowship and opportunities to provide them support.
Ways to serve:
• Assist with driving for monthly outings and events
• Serve in various capacities as needs arise for seniors, such as yard work and housework
• Write cards to seniors in our congregation and those who may be sick
Doug Perry & Buddy Pickler | seniors@mtjuliet.org
MJ Men serves men of our congregation through opportunities for Bible study, fellowship activities, and relationship building. Our goal is to build relationships that enable men of our congregation to live out Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”
Ways to serve:
• Lead or assist with men’s ministry social events
• Help plan and run Father-Son or Father-Daughter retreat
• Lead or assist with small group men’s Bible study
John Coleman & Joshua Horn | men@mtjuliet.org
The purpose of our Women’s Ministry is to seek God first, to surrender to His will, and to serve each other in love. There are countless opportunities for the women at MJ to grow closer to God, each other, and in their service to others, including women’s Bible classes, fellowship activities, retreats, wedding & baby showers, and more. Our key verse is 1 Peter. 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
Ways to Serve:
• Help with and/or attend the Women’s Retreat, Mother-Son, and/or Mother-Daughter Retreat
• Coordinate or attend a ladies’ fellowship activity
• Help with and/or attend a wedding or baby showers
• Help with sewing projects
• Help greet newcomers
Kim Buckner | women@mtjuliet.org
The Adult Education program focuses on providing people an opportunity to learn more about God’s Word. Through diligent preparation, our talented and dedicated teachers faithfully teach classes every Sunday and Wednesday. This ministry is committed to helping students improve their understanding of the Bible, learn more about God, live an obedient Christian life, and teach others what they have learned.
Tim Martin | tim.martin@mtjuliet.org
The AV ministry uses technology to aid during worship in three key areas: audio, visuals (slides), and video. These are used in-house to provide audio and visuals to our auditorium, simulcast, and monitors throughout the building. AV also allows us to livestream our services so that we are able to continue to spread the Word to all.
Ways to serve:
• Run the sound, presentation, or live stream station during worship or class
• Set up and run ProPresenter (slides) during worship or class
• Provide technical skills or knowledge if familiar with the technology used
Wesley Harris & Jeff Moshinsky | av@mtjuliet.org
This ministry ensures that communion is provided for everyone at our worship services. In addition to this, they also ensure that the pews are stocked with Connect/Next Steps cards.
Ways to serve:
• Prepare communion for services
• Restock Connect/Next Steps cards in the pews
Adam McDowell | communion@mtjuliet.org
As a part of our guest ministries, Greeters focuses on making everyone feel welcome and at home while worshiping with us, especially those who are new. Greeters are stationed at our auditorium entrances and Welcome Center at each of our Sunday services.
Ways to serve:
• Greet before your preferred Sunday service
• Serve in the Welcome Center
Dylan Tyler | greeters@mtjuliet.org
As part of our communications ministry, the Involvement Center ministry manages the center in the main foyer. From this center, congregants are encouraged to discover ways to get involved in the work of the church, such as signing up for ministries and events or seeking general information.
Ways to serve:
• Join the team to work at the Involvement Center
David Gragg | involvementcenter@mtjuliet.org
This team helps with ensuring the safety of our congregation during worship and at various events. Along with security-related functions, the resource team also maintains a list of medical professionals to respond if a need arises.
Ways to serve:
• Monitor security cameras during gatherings
• Identify yourself as a medical professional on their list
• Work as security at various events
Dennis Buchanan | resourceteam@mtjuliet.org
This ministry is part of our guest ministry which strives to help every visitor feel loved, welcomed, and comfortable. Ushers assist in greeting and helping people find a place to sit for worship.
Ways to serve:
• Volunteer once a month to help usher during one of our worship services
Mike Welch | ushers@mtjuliet.org
The purpose of the Wonderfully Made ministry is to serve people with special needs along with their families and loved ones. We want to help all these individuals participate in Bible class, worship, ministry service, and congregational fellowship. More than anything, we want them to fully experience the love of Christ and God’s people.
Ways to serve:
• Be a “buddy” to those with special needs in order to help them attend and navigate worship, Bible class, and fellowship events
• Staff the Sensory Room, a refuge for when special needs children require a safe and calming environment
• Partner with caretakers of those with special needs to provide support during worship and other church activities
Melissa Welch & Tim Martin | wonderfullymade@mtjuliet.org
This ministry handles the scheduling for the men in the congregation who lead in worship, including prayers and presiding over the Lord’s Supper. The worship assignments ministry maintains a database of all of those who have signed up to serve and ensures these positions are filled each week.
Ways to serve:
• Lead opening/closing prayer or read Scripture
• Preside over the Lord's Supper
• Assist with check-in before services
Lance Williams | worshipassignments@mtjuliet.org
The mission of the Benevolence Ministry at the Mt. Juliet Church of Christ is to bring people closer to Jesus Christ through the process of meeting or assisting with their basic needs in a time of crisis or transition.
Ways to serve:
• Volunteer to work on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 9 am to noon
• Contribute items to our food pantry requested each week as published in the bulletin
• Notify the church concerning someone you have contacted who needs financial assistance
Les Sternberg | benevolence@mtjuliet.org
This ministry focuses on using digital and print media to build up, equip, and grow the body of Christ locally and beyond. We are heavily involved with social media, mtjuliet.org, ministry communication tools, sharing the vision of the church visually, the church directory, and much more. Every skill level and passion can be involved.
Ways to serve:
• Help with technology at church-wide events
• Archiving live streams
• Take photos
Blaine McKinney | blaine.mckinney@mtjuliet.org
This ministry focuses on encouraging those who are no longer able to attend worship due to physical limitations. On Sunday afternoons, they visit shut-ins and nursing homes to worship with them. This includes praying, Lord’s Supper, and sharing some of the thoughts from the sermon.
Ways to serve:
• Take communion occasionally to members who are temporarily hospitalized or at home
• Visit local nursing care facilities
Jamie Gillespie | homecommunion@mtjuliet.org
Provides multiple church-wide events focusing on outreach. Some opportunities will be purposed in creating a welcoming environment where our church family can invite friends or neighbors, while others will be focused on serving our community.
Ways to serve:
• Assist with set up or the food lines for Worship in the Park
• Lead one of the community projects during Serve Others Week
• Clean cars or paint nails for Single Moms Car Care Clinic
• Serve breakfast at Veterans Day Breakfast
• Monitor an inflatable or help with food at VBS Family Night
Daniel Johnson (Car Care Clinic and Veterans Breakfast) | communityoutreach@mtjuliet.org
Jared Adams & Justin Neal (Serve Others Week, VBS Family Night, Worship in the Park) | communityoutreach@mtjuliet.org
We bring hope, help, and healing to the whole person. We believe that counseling must treat the mind, body, soul, and spirit as we provide a safe place for adults, children, and families. Our experienced counselors want to show the compassion and care that Christ showed and utilize a variety of approaches to meet needs. Learn more and reach out at mtjuliet.org/counseling.
Laura Jenkins | counseling@mtjuliet.org
These intergenerational gatherings of fellow Christians meet monthly from August through April for a time of fellowship. Groups of 10-15 people share a meal together and also receive a list of people to encourage that month through cards, phone calls, and visits.
Ways to serve:
• Coordinate an encouragement group
• Host a group in your home for a meal
Ryan Jackson | egroups@mtjuliet.org
This ministry focuses on the role of the building in the work of the church at Mt. Juliet and the church’s stewardship of that blessing. It is important for the building to support the works and ministries of the congregation and be well-suited to accommodate all of our guests.
Ways to serve:
• Assist with building improvement projects and maintenance, especially if you have areas of expertise, experience, or skills
• Serve as a project manager for small miscellaneous projects (painting, electrical, plumbing, exterior, etc.)
• Pick up and deliver construction or project materials from the hardware store, lumber yard, etc. (availability of truck is necessary)
Ray Alley & Joe Partin | facilities@mtjuliet.org
Fellowship events provide multiple church-wide events with the purpose of promoting fellowship and intergenerational relationships within our church family. Family Day, MJ Opry, and a Dinner and Singing night are the current events led by the Fellowship Ministry.
Ways to serve:
• Lead an activity for Family Day
• Help with setup and take-down for MJ Opry or the Dinner and Singing Night
• Assist with serving and providing food for the fellowship events
Greg Arnold & Seth Rozell | fellowshipevents@mtjuliet.org
This outreach ministry focuses on reaching out to and encouraging those who have recently visited the church. The goal is to make a personal connection with our guests at their homes and offer gratitude for their willingness to visit our church family.
Ways to serve:
• Deliver a loaf of sourdough bread (provided for you) to a recent guest’s home and thank them for visiting
Chanthavy Vongsamphanh | frontporch@mtjuliet.org
This ministry ensures that each week’s contribution is counted accurately and deposited. The giving ministry also maintains accurate records and transfers of all of our online giving funds and systems.
Jamie Miller | giving@mtjuliet.org
Supports individuals in our church family whose lives have been touched by death as a way of showing our love and concern during a very difficult time. A series of four publications are sent during the first year after the death, at appropriate times during that year.
Ways to serve:
• Write sympathy cards to each family
• Attend funeral home visitations when appropriate
• Make phone calls or home visits to those who need to be encouraged
Gene & Thelma Griffin | grief@mtjuliet.org
The jail ministry offers spiritual support and guidance to incarcerated individuals. Through monthly visits and Bible studies, we aim to address spiritual needs and facilitate rehabilitation. Our group will share short sermons, pray with inmates, and offer encouragement. We offer compassion, understanding, and a message of redemption with the ultimate goal of positively impacting those within the correctional system.
Ways to serve:
• Visit the county jail
• Write letters to inmates
Tyler Hayzlett | jailministry@mtjuliet.org
The goal of this ministry is to be an encouragement and resource to teenage boys who currently live at Lebanon Academy, a local group home. We strive to show them the importance of faith while also aiding with the goals of the center in preparing them to be successful adults.
Ways to serve:
• Help host or volunteer at events
• Be a mentor
• Sponsor a dinner after Bible class
Brandon Adcock | la@mtjuliet.org
The goal of this ministry is to strengthen marriages and families by offering biblical education and mentorship. Periodically, we offer marriage and parenting workshops, Financial Peace University, and other activities to strengthen and encourage families within the church.
Ways to serve:
• Volunteer to help with an event
• Be a mentor
Chris Haynes | marriage.family@mtjuliet.org
Meals on Wheels ministry provides a meal on Thursdays each week to those of the congregation who are shut-in or need a meal due to a significant life event. We're made up of 8 teams that rotate throughout the year and also provide Holiday Baskets in December to the Widows/Widowers and Shut-ins.
Ways to serve:
• Join a team to lead, cook, plate, or deliver meals
• Assemble and/or deliver holiday baskets in December
Derek McBroom | mow@mtjuliet.org
This is a ministry to train young men to be ministers, providing financial and professional support and personal encouragement.
Shannon Buckner | ministertraining@mtjuliet.org
This committee manages several mission points and assists organizations that are making disciples and sharing the Gospel all over the world. You can view a full list of current mission points at mtjuliet.org/missions and learn more. Each year, several mission trips are also conducted under the oversight of this ministry.
Ways to serve:
• Serve on the committee and attend monthly meetings
• Participate in short-term mission trips
• Pray actively and encourage our missionaries and mission points
Doug Perry | missionscommittee@mtjuliet.org
Our mission is to teach God’s Word and share His love through a fun learning experience that prepares children socially and academically to enter the public or private school system. We offer preschool programming two days a week (Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs) from 9:00 am-1:30 pm for children ages 2 years old through Pre-Kindergarten.
Ways to serve:
• Assist with minor projects (painting, changing lightbulbs, etc.)
• Participate in our adopt-a-grandparent program
• Work as an aide or substitute in the preschool program
Tina Edwards | preschool@mtjuliet.org
This ministry focuses on reaching families in our community who have children enrolled with our MJ Preschool. We strive to have a monthly presence at the school to interact and develop relationships with both the children and parents. We believe those who are looking for a church home will be encouraged to worship at Mt. Juliet with familiar faces from preschool.
Ways to serve:
• Help with meet and greet events before or after school
• Volunteer at the end-of-year graduation celebration in May
• Write encouragement cards to families enrolled and invite them to worship
Travis Treece | preschooloutreach@mtjuliet.org
Newcomers focuses on developing connections with new members as we welcome them into our congregation.
Ways to serve:
• Welcome new members with a card, call, email, text message and/or in person
• Invite new members to join us at the next scheduled lunch and other church events
• Volunteer to serve and visit with new members at the Newcomers lunch
Rick Stephenson | newcomers@mtjuliet.org
Open Homes serves orphans both locally and globally. We provide practical support to foster and adoptive families in the form of meals, childcare assistance, prayer support, and more. Our goal is to surround foster and adoptive families as they provide for children.
Ways to serve:
• Become a foster or adoptive parent
• Partner with a specific foster or adoptive family
• Assist with childcare or meals at events or training
Brandon & Bridget Adcock; Clint & Lacie Haynes | openhomes@mtjuliet.org
We serve the students, teachers, and staff at Mt. Juliet Elementary. Our goal is to show God's love through volunteering, acts of kindness, and encouragement.
Ways to serve:
• Pray for the teachers, students, and staff on a regular basis
• Volunteer for scheduled school events
• Help with periodical acts of service to teachers and staff
Jeremy Keopf | schools@mtjuliet.org
This ministry provides direction, support, and leadership for all information technology needs across campus including the preschool and The Chapel properties. This ministry works with our staff and other ministries to ensure all IT systems work together across our platforms. Any skill level can be involved; no IT experience is required to serve in this area.
Ways to serve:
• Assist with mounting equipment and technology installation
• Test and deploy new technologies as needed
• Help with training and workshops
Cary Chapman | mjtechnology@mtjuliet.org
This outreach ministry makes teddy bears for children in uncomfortable situations. Bears are placed with our local police, first responders, emergency rooms, and nursing homes.
Ways to serve:
• Cut out bear patterns
• Sew bear patterns
• Stuff and/or paint faces on bear patterns
Jill Wall & Patty Willoughby | bears@mtjuliet.org
The Transportation Ministry is responsible for driver training, maintaining an approved list of drivers with our insurance company, and servicing and repairing our fleet of vehicles. This ministry primarily exists to meet the transportation needs of other congregational ministries. This is accomplished by ensuring our vehicles are safe and functional and approved drivers are available to serve.
Brandon Whitlock | transportation@mtjuliet.org
The treasury ministry, under the direction of our elders, handles the daily financial tasks and responsibilities for our congregation. They manage payroll and expense tracking for the many ministries of the Mt. Juliet church. Their diligent work ensures that we are good stewards of the resources we are given.
Finance Committee | treasurer@mtjuliet.org
This ministry cares for and shows love to our widows and widowers as the New Testament teaches. We seek to help support them in many areas including physical, social, and spiritual. We do a monthly lunch every 2nd Sunday as well as additional activities throughout the year.
Ways to serve:
• Help with occasional physical needs, such as around their houses
• Host or co-host one of our monthly Widows & Widowers lunches
• Assist with transportation for special situations
Scott Humphrey | widows@mtjuliet.org
WBS uses postal mail and the internet to share the Gospel and promote diligent Bible study around the world. Using published course materials and the Bible, our members act as study helpers, building relationships by writing personal notes of encouragement to their students as well as grading their lessons. We offer a 7-course Master Series plus supplemental courses on specific Bible topics. Many of our students are in jails and prisons in the USA as well as in the community and in foreign countries.
Ways to serve:
• Be a mail teacher and prepare printed WBS lesson booklets for mailing to your assigned students, grade the student answer sheets which they return by mail, write notes of encouragement, and prepare their next lesson booklets
• Be an internet teacher who accesses the WBS website, claims a waiting student(s), follows their progress as they complete their lessons online (the system does the grading), and writes online notes of encouragement
Jeremy Andrews & Hardy Morris | wbs@mtjuliet.org
If you’re interested in talking about any of these service opportunities or are just looking for more information, you can email us and we’ll get back to you soon.
We take that word seriously and are committed to making more disciples and equipping others to as well all over the globe. We invite you to pray for our missionaries and the works we support.
Support requests by physical mail only:
Attn: Missions Committee
Mt. Juliet Church of Christ
1940 N Mt. Juliet Rd
Mt Juliet, TN 37122