Reservations, communications, requests, treasurer info, etc. can all be found here!
EDM Retreat: JAN 24th & 25th
EDM Meeting: APR 13th
Ministry events/advertisements can be promoted in our mass communication (bulletin, slides, & Bible class announcements) three Sundays prior to event occurrence except under special circumstances (ex: major outreach events or events with deadline requirements) in order to limit information overload.
Event/Ministry promotion is dependent primarily on the ministry leader's communication to the office. Information for mass communication should be submitted via the form below (remember you are at no later than the Tuesday before the first Sunday an event/opportunity is to be shared.
The church logo should not be used in promotions, programs, T-shirts, social media, etc. without consultation and review by the office staff and communications minister.
Blaine McKinney, communications minister, is happy to offer support, communication assistance, training, etc., at any point, it is requested to use our online church tools for ministry involvement such as registrations, email groups, recruitment lists for ministries, video production, strategy consultation, etc.
Please accumulate all receipts and complete your expense report by the 10th and 25th of each month. The expense report and all receipts should be scanned and emailed to
We will plan to process your reimbursement by the 15th and end of the month, respectively.
If you do not have access to a scanner, please bring to the church office and Kim or Tracey can assist you. Or, you can drop in Sean Owens’s mailbox.