May 5, 2024 | Sunday Bulletin

Baptism: Garrett Taylor was baptized into Christ on Wed. evening. We rejoice with Garrett and are so proud of him for making this decision.

Happy Birthday: To JoAnn McCormick, who will celebrate her 90th birthday on May 8. We congratulate her on reaching this milestone and wish her a wonderful day!

Prayers: Buford Sr. & Pam Birchett met with a couple of our elders on Monday and asked for prayers to be restored to the church. We love and appreciate Buford & Pam and want to encourage them in their walk with Christ.

MAY 5 | Family Day: We are looking forward to an afternoon of sharing family time with each other! We will have our regular AM worship and Bible classes. In lieu of our 5:00 pm service, we will have a 1:00 pm afternoon worship service followed by our fellowship activities.  Don’t forget to sign up for activities at

May 6 | Sew in Love: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm in the Lower Fellowship Hall. Contact: Lee Purnell.

MAY 9 | New Kids on the Block: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Nursery for moms and their babies. Lunch will be provided. Contacts: Amy Dominski & Lauren Moss.

MAY 11 | Single Mom’s Car Care Clinic: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Thank you for helping us invite your friends to our car care clinic! All the time slots are full! If you are interested in volunteering to help with the Single Mom’s Car Care Clinic, please click here or contact Daniel or Tara Johnson.

MAY 12 | Honoring College Graduates: If you are part of our church family and have graduated from undergrad or graduate school in the past year, we would love to recognize you. Please submit a picture along with your address, school name, and degree earned to no later than May 7 to be included in our list. We will also be hosting a dinner for you and your family at 6:00 pm in the Upper Fellowship Hall following evening worship.

MAY 12 | Assisted Living Devotional Services: We have the opportunity to lead devotional services at a couple of our local assisted living facilities on the second Sunday each month. Everyone is invited to participate.

  • Carrick Glen - 3:30 pm. Organized by a rotation of SALT, Melting Pot, & Firm Foundations classes. Contact: Eric Miller.

  • Providence Place - 4:00 pm. Organized by Young Families class. Contact: Bryan LeMasters.

MAY 13 | Preschool Graduation: 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the Auditorium for the Monday/Wednesday class. Contact: Tina Edwards.

MAY 14 | Preschool Graduation: 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the Auditorium for the Tuesday/Thursday class. Contact: Tina Edwards.

MAY 14 | Tuesday Ladies Bible Class: This will be our final class for this season. Immediately following class, we will have a Potluck Luncheon in the Upper Fellowship Hall. Class will resume in September.

MAY 16 | Ted E Bear Workshop: 12:00 to 4:00 pm in the Lower Fellowship Hall. Contacts: Patty Willoughby and Jill Wall.

MAY 17 | 3rd-4th-5th Grade Devo: 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Pavilion. This will be our year-end devo, a send-off celebration for our 5th graders, and a welcome to our 3rd graders (rising 4th graders). Bring scooters and bikes. Families of this group are also invited to attend. Food will be provided. Please sign up at Deacons: David Harper & Daniel Horton.

MAY 19 | Widows & Widowers Luncheon: In the Upper Fellowship Hall immediately following late worship. The YAC Class will host. Contact: Lily Miller.

MAY 19 | Senior Sunday: We look forward to honoring our High School Seniors. For more information, please contact Philip Jenkins.

MAY 23 | MJ Men Breakfast: 7:00 to 8:00 am in the Lower Fellowship Hall. Sign up at Contacts: John Coleman & Josh Horn.

JUNE 2-7 | MJYG Camp Stratiotes: It is almost time for camp! The theme this year is “Part of the Family.” For details and registration information, please visit The signup deadline is May 19. Contact: Philip Jenkins.

Healing Hands Donations: Thank you to all who have donated diapers and socks to Ukraine. Healing Hands has received them and will include them in their shipment leaving Nashville on May 15. Please continue to pray for the Ukrainian people and the congregation we support.

Memory By Month: Each month of 2024, we will be working on memorizing a different Bible verse, and this year our theme is “The Life of Jesus.” To learn more about MBM, visit

Mt. Juliet Youth Group: Our 6th-12th grade students meet in the Chapel across the parking lot for Sunday morning and Wednesday evening Bible classes. For a complete calendar and a link to sign up for events, please click here.

VBS Decorating Preparation: VBS decoration prep season is here! Please reach out to Amelia Clark or Rhyan Wilson if you are willing to help make, take home, or set up decorations.

We extend our deepest sympathy to the following families:

To the family and friends of Martha Page, mother of Kenny (Leigh) Page. Visitation was held at McDonald Funeral Home in Centerville on Fri., May 3, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, followed by the funeral service at 1:00 pm.

To the family and friends of our former interim preacher, John Parker. Visitation was held at the Church of Christ in Green Hills on Sat., May 4, from 9:30 to 11:00 am, followed by the funeral service at 11:00 am.

To the family and friends of Martha Van Hoven. Visitation will be held at Sellars Funeral Home in Mt. Juliet on Tues., May 7, from 12:00 to 2:00 pm, followed by the funeral service at 2:00 pm.

Dorothy (Pitts) Brown, sister of Cecil Pitts, has been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. She will be admitted to a hospital in Florida for 28 days to receive intensive chemotherapy treatments. Prayers are appreciated.

Juanita Hazelwood took a fall and is in Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital.

Jim Parnell is recovering from surgery to remove blood clots in his lungs. He was hoping to go home on Friday or Saturday after spending a few days in Summit Hospital. No visitors at this time, please.

Jim Pugh had a heart procedure on Thurs., May 2.

Continue to Remember in Prayer

Members in Rehab, Health, or Assisted Care

Betty Burton

Janice Copley

Alma Derryberry

Shirley Driver

Marge Gregory

Bruce McClure

Phyllis Menees

Paulette Painter

Mike Pryor

Don Vickers



The nursery is available during the 8:00 am, 10:15 am, and 5:00 pm worship services. Contact: Tracy Martin.

Lost & Found

Please check the lost & found table for your missing Bibles and other miscellaneous items. Lost & Found is located in the hallway behind Room 110.

Thank You

To my brothers & sisters in Christ, Sure do appreciate all the cards and prayers sent to me during my recovery. Doing better, still going to physical therapy sessions. Have 7 more to go. Still very painful. Don’t know when I’ll be back in church. Keep your prayers coming! Sending all my love and best wishes, Doris Mathis

I want to thank the widows group for the sweet basket of goodies I received this week! Rosemary Fox delivered it and I enjoyed her visit! It was nice to be thought of after my husband, Nick, passed away. It’s been very difficult for me, but I have my faith to help me to get through this! Plus, all my church friends! In Christian Love to each of you. Anita Borski


Week of April 28, 2024

Contribution: $49,058.00

Budget: $47,000.00

Over Budget: $2058.00

YTD Received: $760,035.00

YTD Budget: $799,000.00

YTD Under Budget: $38,965.00

Attendance: AM - 910 | PM - 451

SUN Worship: 8 am, 10:15 am, & 5 pm
Bible Study: SUN 9:15 am | WED 7 pm

Church Office Hours: MON-THUR 8 am - 5 pm

Mt. Juliet Counseling Center | 615-527-5905 |

Elder of the Month

May | James Whiteaker